This is the end.

Photo by Edward James Sczudlo

Photo by Edward James Sczudlo

This is the end. Of a chapter. Perhaps of a book. I have come here today to submit my #vanlife resignation. What was supposed to be a one-year experiment turned out to be the gift that kept on giving, and it evolved into the most interesting, wild, weird, beauty-filled 5+ years of my life. I wouldn't trade that experience for anything, but the time has come to move on, and I do so willingly and happily. As of today, I am once again an L.A. apartment-dweller, more than six years after I left for points unknown. Endings are bittersweet, but the adventures are not over, and I am excited for this next phase of my life. My beloved van, the legendary Ashley The Beast, is currently enjoying a well-deserved siesta at my dad's place. I'll have much more to say (and many more photos and videos to share) in the days/weeks/months/years ahead, but until then I'm wishing you a happy New Year, and many new beginnings and adventures in 2021.


